

来源:      发布时间:2021-07-01      浏览:




  1. 苦竹内生真菌杀白纹伊蚊活性成分研究,88038威尼斯人才项目,6万,2014.12-2016.1,主持;

  2. 竹子根系分泌物中独脚金内酯类化合物(SLs)及其生物活性研究,浙江省自然科学基金青年基金项目,5万,2015.1-2017.12,主持;

  3. 竹子根系分泌物中独脚金内酯类化合物及其种子萌发活性研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,25万,2018.1-2020.12,主持;

  4. 温泉水水质检测分析,企业横向项目,9万,2017.3-2018.12,主持;

  5. 林地土样分析,企业横向项目,1万,2016.3-2016.12,主持。




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[6]Subhankar Chatterjee,YiKuang, Richard Splivallo, Paramita Chatterjee, Petr Karlovsky.Interactions among filamentous fungiAspergillus niger, Fusarium verticillioidesandClonostachysrosea: fungal biomass, diversity ofsecretedmetabolites and fumonisin production. BMC Microbiology, 2016,16:83-96..

[7]Yi Kuang, Shengxiang Yang, Kirstin Scherlach, Christian Hertweck, Petr Karlovsky. Unusual detoxification of mycotoxin fusaric acid by conjugation with γ-amino-butanoic acid in interaction of a mycoparasite with its prey.AngewandteChemie International Edition, 2017, submitted.

[8]Chun-Lian Yu,Yi Kuang, Sheng-Xiang Yang, Li Liu.Chemical Composition, Antifungal Activityand Toxicity of Essential Oils from Leaves of Chimonanthus praecox and Chimonanthuszhejiangensis. Asian Journal of Chemistry , 2014, 26: 254-256.

[9]Sheng-Xiang Yang , Jin-Ming Gao, An-Ling Zhang,Yi Kuang. Highly oxygenated steroids from the higher fungus Ganoderma amboinense(Basidiomyetes). Phytochemistry letters , 2012, 5: 576-580.

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